Has pensado....

: : : ―Deberías ver los ojos de Axel ―contesté dándole la espalda mientras caminaba hacia la ventana que (no fue ninguna sorpresa) estaba cubierta por tablas.
«Incluso tú llorarías al ver esos ojos.» : : :

sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

No Regrets

"No regrets". She told me, and then a ralized that she was right.

We must live without any regrets. Now, this doesn't mean that we ought to live without care or without thinking on the things we do or say, but if we DO think on those things, then we must live without regrets.
For the moment we regret something we "thought" about, it means we actually didn't thought about that really good.

So... No regrets.


La belleza de la vida la encuentras en la misma vida

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