Has pensado....

: : : ―Deberías ver los ojos de Axel ―contesté dándole la espalda mientras caminaba hacia la ventana que (no fue ninguna sorpresa) estaba cubierta por tablas.
«Incluso tú llorarías al ver esos ojos.» : : :

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Vampire Thrall


"Back in Paul´s cell, I lay on the bed and watched him take off his red pullover, then his jeans, then his briefs. His cock curved up beautifully, like a bird arching its neck. He stripped off my briefs an placed them carefully on the night table. Then he climbed onto me, his knees bracing my hips, his thighs forming an arch, and his cock hovering over my belly. My prick stiffened toward his cool buttocks.

He lubricated me with a few squirts of the lotion he kept on his nightstand. When he reached back to guide me in, lamplight glinted over his rosy brown nipples.

His torso lifted an fell as he relaxed his thighs, his long fingers spreading like petals. He raised his face ―stretching his graceful throat― then lowered his forehead, staring into my eyes. His cheeks reddened. His mouth opened and he gulped air.

Determined to give him what he needed, I drilled de boy. I clasped his hands, raised up my head, and strained toward his throat. But my fangs started to descend, so I quickly lay back, turning my face away from the lamp until they receded.

Paul rocked up and down, his belly quivering, his palms pressing my chest as I worked him with my hand. I pumped harder, impaling him deeper until he moaned an shuddered, showering me with his warm seed. Then waves of orgasm exploded in my belly.

I pushed him off and stretched myself over him. His damp chest heaved. I kissed his temples, his eyelids, his lips.

‘I love you’, I whispered.

With his eyes closed, he smiled as though his dreams had all come true."

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